w o r l d w i d e :  S P A I N
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I spotted this PEUGEOT 505 Race-Bike Transporter on a supermarket parking lot in 2004, while on holiday in the Costa-Blanca region
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The owner was quite surprized when I asked him if I could take a photo of his converted 505... The conversion is similar to the original Tour-de-France PEUGEOTs
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Aitor Calviño Casa from Spain is pictured here with his '91 PEUGEOT 505 GTI, obviously in an immaculate condition, and with just 130,000 km on the clock
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The 505 on the right is an GTD, says Aitor, also in perfect shape
The 2nd white PEUGEOT 505 is a 1st series SRD. Very nice 505 line-up!
Your PEUGEOT 505 featured here... Just submit a photo and some info